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New research reveals pandemic public health measures targeted wrong groups during second wave of COVID-19

November 18, 2021

Read more about New research reveals pandemic public health measures targeted wrong groups during second wave of COVID-19

OVC alumni recognized for their contributions to the veterinary profession


November 17, 2021

Read more about OVC alumni recognized for their contributions to the veterinary profession

Awesome Careers: The Art and Science of Relationships featuring public health PhD graduate Alex Sawatzky


November 12, 2021

Read more about Awesome Careers: The Art and Science of Relationships featuring public health PhD graduate Alex Sawatzky

OVC Graduate Student Prototypes Equine 3D Teaching Model


November 08, 2021

Read more about OVC Graduate Student Prototypes Equine 3D Teaching Model

Why A One Health Approach Is Vital In Pandemic Management


November 03, 2021

When COVID-19 started making headlines in early 2020, public health officials were consumed with human-to-human transmission of a novel coronavirus, and many were quick to dismiss concerns that the virus also posed a risk to livestock, pets and wildlife.
Read more about Why A One Health Approach Is Vital In Pandemic Management