
The OVC Alumni Association Awards were established to recognize OVC graduates who have made a significant contribution to the veterinary profession, and who have brought honour to their alma mater and fellow alumni in the areas of alumni affairs, education, community, profession, country, and science.  

If you know an OVC graduate who deserves to be recognized for their accomplishments, please consider nominating them for an OVC Alumni Association Award.

Deadline to submit nominations is March 1st. 

OVC Alumni Association Distinguished Alumni Award

The OVC Distinguished Alumni Award was established in 1976 to recognize an OVC graduate who has brought honour to their alma mater and fellow alumni, and who has made exceptional contributions to one of the following areas: Alumni Affairs, Education, Community, Profession, Sciences, and/or Country.  


Nominees must be graduates of OVC holding a DVM, MSc, MPH, DVSc or PhD degree. Honorary degree holders or Honorary Members of the OVCAA are not eligible for OVCAA alumni awards.  

OVC Alumni Association Young Alumni Award

Established in 2009, the OVC Alumni Association Young Alumni Award recognizes an OVC graduate who has made a significant contribution in their field within fifteen years of completing an undergraduate DVM or a graduate degree from OVC. 


Nominees must be graduates of OVC holding a DVM, MSc, MPH, DVSc or PhD degree. Honorary degree holders or Honorary Members of the OVCAA are not eligible for OVCAA alumni awards.

OVC Alumni Association Alumni Volunteer Award

The OVC Alumni Association Award was established in 2009 to recognize an OVC graduate who has volunteered their time within the college, community, a veterinary organization, nationally and/or internationally, and who brings honour and recognition to the OVC. 


Nominees must be graduates of OVC holding a DVM, MSc, MPH, DVSc or PhD degree. Honorary degree holders or Honorary Members of the OVCAA are not eligible for OVCAA alumni awards.  

OVC Alumni Association Awards - General Award Information

Award Conditions: 

The OVCAA Awards are annual awards with recognition only. No funds will be distributed. 

In addition to meeting individual award criteria, nominees must be in good standing with the college and must not have had their membership to the OVCAA terminated due to conduct unbecoming to the Association.  

No award can be given more than once to the same recipient. Being named a recipient of one OVCAA award does not exclude that individual for future consideration of a different alumni award. 

Nominees must be living at the time their nomination is made. 

Method of Application:  

Nominations may arise from OVC alumni, immediate family of OVC alumni, colleagues or employees of the nominee or employees within the various academic departments of OVC and the Office of the Dean. Current members of the OVCAA Board of Directors cannot be the primary nominator of an award nominee but are eligible to provide letters of support for a nominee should they be asked.  

Individuals making the nomination must provide an overall statement of recommendation through the online nomination form or by letter (maximum 3 pages), containing any pertinent information. The statement must include names of people who have firsthand knowledge of the nominee’s accomplishments (maximum 5 letters of recommendation). 

If a nominee is not named to the award in the year they are nominated, their nomination package will be considered for the same award the following year. 

Selection Committee:  

Nomination packages will be provided to all members of the OVCAA Board of Directors with full voting privileges after the deadline for award nominations are closed. A motion will be put to the Board to accept the naming of each award recipient, and if a 2/3 majority of the Board accepts the motion the award will be granted. 

Arrangements for Presentation: 

The award will be presented at the OVCAA Annual General Meeting. Should the recipient be unable to attend the AGM, held annually in June, alternative arrangements will be made to present the award to the recipient. Award recipients will be recognized in OVCAA publications and communications. 

Travel for the award recipient to the AGM will not be provided by the OVCAA, UGAA or the OVC. 


If you have questions about a nomination, please contact Amy Tremaine, Alumni Advancement Manager at PDF copies of the OVCAA Award Terms and Conditions are available by request. 

Award Nominations

If you know an OVC graduate who deserves to be recognized for their outstanding accomplishments, please consider nominating them for an OVC Alumni Association Award.

Annual Report

Read the most recent OVC Alumni Association Annual Report for updates about OVCAA activities, financial reports, and other news.

OVCAA Board of Directors

Meet the members of your OVC Alumni Association Board of Directors.

Updated a year ago