Ticks Under Microscope

Katie M. Clow

Katie M. Clow and dog

Graduate Program Coordinator, Collaborative Specialization in One Health | Assistant Professor

 Office: Stewart Bldg. 2531
 519-824-4120 Ext. 53944



Dr. Katie Clow is an Assistant Professor in One Health in the Department of Population Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. Her research focuses on the ecology and epidemiology of vector-borne and zoonotic diseases. She also conducts research more broadly on One Health, including pedagogy and community-level applications. She holds both a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree (OVC, 2011) and PhD (Pathobiology, 2017). Dr. Clow has worked in private small animal practice as well as at the national and international level in One Health through internships at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Department of Food Safety, Zoonoses and Foodborne Disease at the World Health Organization, and the Global Disease Detection Branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. She regularly collaborates with public health professionals and veterinarians in private practice and industry. 

Research Interests

Ecology and epidemiology of vectors and vector-borne diseases of domestic animals, including zoonoses; Climate change; One Health

At this time, the Clow lab is not recruiting graduate students. 

Current Graduate Students

  • Catherine Belanger - PhD
  • Sydney DeWinter - PhD
  • Grace Nichol - PhD
  • Keana Shahin - PhD
  • Radhika Gandhi - MSc


ONEH*6000 One Health Approaches to Research

One Health components of DVM Health Management I & III (VM*3400, VM*4530)

Curriculum development in One Health (undergraduate and graduate levels) 



Pets and Ticks:

Selected Publications

Peer-Reviewed Publications:

Nelder MP, Russell CB, Clow KM, Johnson S, WeeseJS, CroninK, Ralevski F, Jardine CM, Patel SN. Occurrence and distribution of Amblyomma americanumas determined by passive surveillance in Ontario, Canada (1999–2016). Ticks and Tickborne Diseases. 10(1):146-155, 2019.

Clow KM, Finer R, Lumsden G, Jardine CM. Assessing the repeatability of tick dragging via three outcome measures as a method for surveillance of Ixodes scapularisJournal of Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases. 18(11):628-633, 2018.

Hartnett EA, LéveilléAN, FrenchS, Clow KM, ShiroseL, Jardine CM. Prevalence, distribution, and risk factors associated with Macracanthorhynchus ingensinfections in raccoons from Ontario, Canada. Journal of Parasitology.104(5):457-464, 2018. 

Clow KM, Ogden NH, Lindsay LR, Russell CB, Michel P, Pearl DL, Jardine CM. A field-based indicator for determining the likelihood of Ixodes scapularisestablishment at sites in Ontario, Canada.PLoS ONE.13(2): e0193524, 2018.

Clow KM, Weese JS, Rousseau J, Jardine CM. Microbiota analysis of field-collected Ixodes scapularis andDermacentor variabilis from eastern and southern Ontario. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases. 9(2):235-244, 2018.

Clow KM, Leighton PA, Ogden NH, Lindsay LR, Michel P, Pearl DL, Jardine CM. Northward range expansion of Ixodes scapularis evident over short timescale in Ontario, Canada. PLoS ONE.12(12): e0189393, 2017.

Clow KM, Ogden NH, Lindsay LR, Michel P, Pearl DL, Jardine CM. The effect of abiotic and biotic factors on the establishment of Ixodes scapularisin Ontario, CanadaTicks and Tick-borne Diseases. 8(4):554-563, 2017.

Clow KM, Ogden NH, Lindsay LR, Michel P, Pearl DL, Jardine CM. Distribution of ticks and the risk of Lyme disease and other tick-borne pathogens of public health significance in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases. 16(4):215-222, 2016.

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications:

Clow KM, Little SE. Tick tock – time to think seriously about ticks on cats. Veterinary Practice NewsIn press

Clow KM. From Page to Patient: Ticks on Cats – A Real Concern.Clinician’s Brief. In press.

Clow KM. How to avoid Lyme disease while ticks are hungry in the fall. The Conversation, Canada Edition(also reprinted by 44 other news providers). October 22, 2018. (Accessible at: 

Clow KM. From Page to Patient: Vector-borne diseases of Cats. Clinician’s Brief.November 2018.

Clow KM.How animal parasites find a home in humans. The Conversation, Canada Edition(also reprinted in the National Post, The Conversation – France Edition, The Conversation – Indonesia Edition). March 20, 2018. (Accessible at: