
Cate Dewey

Cate Dewey

Assistant Dean | Professor

 DVM, MSc, PhD (Guelph)

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Professor Cate Dewey is a positive leader with great initiative, passion and enthusiasm for higher education. 

Previously, Cate chaired the Department of Population Medicine for 11 years and was a University of Guelph professor since 1995. As chair, she helped redesign the DVM program and led development of the master of public health program.

Previously, Cate was the Associate Vice-President (Academic) at the University of Guelph. In this role, Cate oversaw content, administration and delivery of all undergraduate programs, including those at the Ridgetown campus and the University of Guelph-Humber. She supervised the program review process as required by the provincial government and oversaw introduction of new initiatives and internationalization of the curriculum.

Research Interests

Observational studies, productivity, field trials.

  • Prevention of PRRS transmission by early weaning
  • Evaluation of PRRS vaccines
  • Aspects of S.E.W.

Graduate Students

David Borish, PhD, 2018 (Co-supervised with Dr. Sheri Harper)

Nanette Lai, PhD, 2016  (Co-supervised with Dr. Deep Khosa)

Laura Jane Brubacher, PhD, 2015 (Co-supervised  Dr.  Harper), CIHR Vanier Scholar

Chloe Zivot, PhD, 2018 (Co-supervised with Dr. Matt Little)

Sarah Dodd, PhD, 2018 (co-supervised with Dr. Verburgh)

Former Graduate Students

Anastasia Stellato, PhD. 2016-2019. (Co-supervised with Dr. Lee Niel)

Jessica Reimann, PhD. 2016-2019. (Co-supervised  Dr. Jennifer McWhirter)

Carly Moody, PhD. 2015-2018. Improving the welfare of cats during haldleing and restraint (Co-supervised with Dr. Lee Niel)

Matthew Little, PhD. 2011-2017. Type 2 diabetes and the double burden of malnutrition in rural south India: a mixed-methods examination of a public health crisis.  (Co-supervised with Dr. Sally Humphries). CIHR Vanier Scholar, received the Forster Medal

Lindsay Day, MSc. 2015-2017. Reconciling how we live with water: The development and use of a collaborative podcasting methodology to explore and share diverse First Nations, Inuit, and Métis perspectives. (Co-supervised with Dr. Sherilee Harper and Ashley Cunsolo)

Warren Dodd, PhD. 2011-2016. The impact of seasonal migration on intra-household health statuses among small-scale farming  households in the Krishnagiri district, Tamil Nadu, India.  (Co-supervised with Dr. Sally Humphries) CIHR Vanier Scholar

Adam Beswick, MSc. 2014-2016 #Outbreak: An Exploration of Twitter metadata as a means to supplement influenza surveillance in Canada during the 2013-2014 influenza season. (Co-supervised with Dr. Zvonimir Poljak) CIHR MSc Scholarship

Lauren Dawson, PhD. 2011-2016. Development and evaluation of a canine and feline welfare assessment tool for use in companion animalbveterinary clinics. (Co-supervised with Dr. Lee Niel)  

Jessica Reiman, MSc. 2014-2015. Perioperative analgesic use by Ontario veterinarians.

Kyle Runnekles, MSc. 2013-2015.Factors associated with HIV among First Nation living off reserves, Métis, and Inuit persons. CIHR MSc scholarship

Natalie Carter, PhD, 2010-2011 (PT); 2011- 2015 (FT). Least cost complete rations for pigs owned by smallholder farmers in Kenya.

Mike Levy, PhD, 2011-2014.  Economics of small holder pig industry in Western Kenya.

Nathan Lachowsky, PhD. 2010- 2014. Factors associated with the spread of HIV/AIDS among MSM by ethnic classification in Canada and New Zealand. (Co-supervised with Dr. Summerlee) CIHR Vanier Scholar

Janet Alsop, MPH (PT) 2008-2013.

Sue Burlatschenko, MPH (PT) 2008-2013.

Norma Varela, PhD, 2006-2012. Yellow bones in Ontario finishing pigs.  (Co-supervised with Dr. Friendship)

Debbie Stoewen, PhD, 2009-2012. Oncology in dogs in Ontario; treatment strategies of veterinarians and needs and expectations      of clients.  (Co-supervised with Dr. Coe)

Chris Charles, PhD, 2010-2012. Iron ingot use in the prevention of anemia in Cambodian women. (Co-supervised with Dr. Summerlee)

Hein Thank Le, PhD, 2009-2011. Modeling disease spread among pig farms in Ontario and Vietnam. (Co-supervised with Dr. Poljak),

Thomas Rosendal, PhD, 2008-2011. Spread of PRRS among Ontario swine farms.

Terri O’Sullivan, PhD, 2008-2011. Comparison of surveillance strategies for the Ontario pig industry. (Co-supervised with Dr. Friendship)

Andrew Papadopoulos, PhD, 2006-2010. Public health policy and reaction subsequent to outbreaks of foodborne illness in Ontario. (Co-supervised with Dr Wilson)

Melissa Reindl, MSc. 2008-2010. Evaluating two PCV2 vaccines.

Florence Mutua, PhD, 2007-2010. Improving livelihood of small holder pig farmers in Western Kenya.  (Co-supervised with Dr. Ogara)

Galina Hayes, PhD, 2007-2010. Examination of prognostic clinical parameters, with development and validation of 2 models for stratification of illness severity in canine and feline ICU patients. (Co-supervised with Dr. Mathews)

Emily Toth (Tamminga), MSc, 2006-2010. Body temperature of transported hogs. (Co-supervised with Dr. Widowski)

Andrew Pulczer, MSc, 2008-2010. Dog demography with a comparison of mark-recapture methods in Todos Santos Cuchumatan, Guatemala. (Co-supervised with Dr. Jones)

Janet Higginson, MSc, 2006-2008. Sick-pig behaviour. (Co-supervised with Dr. Millman) 

Vahab Farzan, PhD. 2004-2007. Characteristics of Salmonella isolated from Ontario pig farms, (Co-supervised with Dr. Friendship)

Dawn Marvin, MSc, 2006-2007. Assessing the knowledge of zoonoses and good production practices in the Ontario swine industry. (Co-supervised with Dr. Rajic)

Zvonimir Poljak, PhD, 2003-2005. Zoonotic diseases in Ontario swine units.

Charles Haley, PhD, 2002-2005. The factors associated with transport loss of market weight swine in Ontario.

Mary Beth Young, DVSc, 2002-2005. Trouble shooting reproductive performance in Ontario swine herds.

Maria del Rocio Amezcua, PhD, 2001-2005. Use of prebiotics and probiotics. (Co-supervised with Dr. Friendship)

Andria Jones, PhD, 2001-2005. Drinking water: consumption patterns, associations with GI disease, public perception, and willingness to pay for safety and quality. (Co-supervised with Dr. Doré)

Tiffany Cottrell, PhD, 1999-2005. Variation in grower-finisher swine production. (Co-supervised with Dr. Friendship)

Olha Melnichouk, MSc, 2001-2003. Modelling disease spread in nursery barns.

Kevin Vilaca, MSc, 2000-2002. Impact of modified live PRRSV vaccine on boar semen volume and quality.

Zvonimir Poljak, MSc, 2000-2001. Growth rate in grower-finisher pigs.

Angel De Grau, DVSc, 1998-2002. Factors affecting variation in weaned pig weights. (Co-supervised with Dr. Friendship)

Maria del Rocio Amezcua, MSc, 1998-2003. Post-weaning diarrhea and mortality caused by Escherichia coli - Investigation of risk factors and control methods. (Co-supervised with Dr. Friendship)

Tom Johnston, MSc, 1997-1999. Impact of iron-specific colitis on growth parameters in swine.

Andrijana Rajic, MSc, 1997-1999. The production of PRRS negative pigs using SEW and sow vaccination.

Sanjaya Kumar, MSc, 1996-1997.  Improved daily gain and disease resistance using levamisole as an immunomodulator.

Angela Baysinger, MS, The effect of PRRS (Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome) on breeding performance in sow herds.

Kammy Johnson, PhD, 1992-1996. An evaluation of breeding soundness examinations in beef bulls.

Bradley deGroot, MS, 1992-1995. Sudden death syndrome in beef cattle.

Anne Deckert, MS, 1992-1994. The association between weaning to breeding interval, ovulation, and early embryonic death in sows.


Undergraduate Courses

Professional Experience & Honours

Recognition of the Contribution of Teaching Award presented by Student Senator caucus (2011)

Woman of Distinction Award for Science, Technology and Research (2009)

Meritorious Service Award from the American Association of Swine Veterinarians (2006)

Pfizer Faculty Award for Research Excellence (2006)

President’s Distinguished Professor Award (2004-2006)

President’s Distinguished Professor Award (2000-2001)