
Mauricio Seguel

Mauricio Seguel head shot

Assistant Professor
 Office: PAHL 4843
 519-824-4120 Ext. 54386



I’m a veterinary pathologist and wildlife scientist interested in the host and environmental factors that impact the ecology, immunology and pathology of wildlife infectious diseases. Since July 2020 I’m an Assistant Professor at the Department of Pathobiology, Ontario Veterinary College (OVC), University of Guelph. I have worked for several years studying wildlife infectious diseases at Guafo Island, Chilean Patagonia and I collaborate on similar projects in Peru, the USA (California and Georgia) and South Africa. I also provide diagnostic consultation services for zoo and wildlife species and currently contribute to the diagnostic pathology service for the Toronto Zoo and the necropsy service of the department of Pathobiology at OVC.

Research Interests

Our laboratory focuses on the understanding of the ecology, immunology and pathology of wildlife infectious diseases. Most of the pathogen (parasite) diversity in the planet is associated to wildlife species. Therefore, from an ecological and global health perspective, it is critical to know and understand the drivers of this pathogen diversity. While most of our approaches and research questions are based on the microbial and host side of the infectious disease triad, we also collaborate with diverse groups that focus on the impact of environmental change on the health of animals and their susceptibility to infectious diseases.

For more details visit our RESEARCH LAB WEBSITE

Current Graduate Students

  • Md Hasibul Haque - PhD


Selected Publications


Whoriskey S.T, Duignan P.J, McClain A, Seguel M, Gulland F.M.D, Johnson S, Field C. Diagnoses and Treatment of Sarcocystis-associated Polyphasic Rhabdomyositis in California Sea Lions (Zalophus californianus). In pressJournal of American Veterinary Medical Association.

Seguel M*,George C, Maboni G, Sanchez S, Page-Karjian A, Wirth E, McFee W, Gottdenker N. Pathologic findings and causes of death in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) stranded along the Georgia Coast, USA (2007–2013). In pressDiseases of Aquatic Organisms.

Alvarado-Rybak M+, Toro-Cortes F, Abarca P, Paredes E, Espanol-Jimenez S, Seguel M*. 2020. Pathological Findings in Cetaceans Sporadically Stranded along the Chilean Coast. Frontiers in Marine Science

Müller A, Gutiérrez R, Seguel M, Monti G, Otth C, Bittencourt P, Sepúlveda P, Alabí A, Nachum-Biala Y, Harrus S. Molecular survey of Bartonella spp. in rodents from Valdivia and wild rodent-fleas from Guafo Island, Southern Chile. In press.

Maboni G, Seguel M, Lorton A, Sanchez S. 2020. Unique antimicrobial resistance patterns of animal-associated Acinetobacter spp. reveal high rate of multidrug resistance. Veterinary Microbiology 245: 10870210.1016/j.vetmic.2020.108702

Perez-Venegas D, Toro-Valdivieso C, Ayala F, Brito B, Iturra L, Arriagada M, Seguel M, Barrios C, Sepúlveda M, Oliva D, Cárdenas-Alayza S, Castro-Nallar C, Galban-Malagon C. 2020. Monitoring the occurrence of microplastic ingestion in Otariids along the Peruvian and Chilean coasts. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 153: 110966. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.110966


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