
Brandon Lillie

Brandon Lillie

Department Chair | Associate Professor

DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVP
 Office: PAHL 3824
 519-824-4120 Ext. 54667

 Lab: PAHL 3813
 519-824-4120 Ext. 54665

 Brandon Lillie on LinkedIn
 Brandon Lillie on ResearchGate


Research Interests

  • Genetics of disease
  • Innate disease resistance in production animals
  • Collagenous lectins, peptidoglycan recognition proteins, and other pattern recognition molecules
  • Equine infectious diseases
  • Equine reproductive failure (spontaneous and EHV-associated)
  • Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus control in livestock - a One Health approach to controlling human and animal diseases

Current Graduate Students

  • Maddison Arsenault - DVSc
  • Saira Asif - MSc
  • Ji Ye Ahn - DVSc
  • Connor Bryant - DVSc
  • Karen Carlton - DVSc
  • Caitlin Evered - DVSc
  • Chantelle Major - MSc
  • Andrii Trokoz - DVSc



Dr. Vahab Farzan: DVM, MSc, PhD - Research Scientist

Dr. Jutta Hammermueller: BSc, PhD - Research Technician

Maria Papapetrou: BSc, DVM student (class of 2024) - Undergraduate Research Student






  • Jeremy Wong, BSc (Western), MSc - Graduated S20
    • Investigating single-nucleotide variants in swine associated with common infectious pathogens and diseases, with a focus on Streptococcus suis infection, using a genome-wide association study approach
  • Elana Raaphorst, BSc (Guelph), MSc - Graduated S20
    • Antibody responses to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, influenza A virus, and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and their association with single-nucleotide variants
  • Corinne Schut, BSc (Guelph), MSc - Graduated W18
    • Salmonella antibody response on commercial swine farms and its association with host genetics and isolation of Salmonella on-farm and at slaughter
  • Russell Fraser, BSc.H (Guelph), DVM (Guelph), MSc (Edinburgh), PhD - GRADUATED  S'18
    • Investigation of genetic variation in the collagenous lectins of livestock with and without infectious diseases
  • Margaret Ainslie-Garcia, BSc.H (Guelph). MSc - GRADUATED  W’17
    • An epidemiological study of the effect of diet and innate immune genotype on Salmonella shedding and colonization in pigs
  • Kristin Wythe, BSc.H (Guelph). MBS - GRADUATED  S’16
    • Discovery of genetic variants in equine peptidoglycan recognition proteins using a targeted next generation sequencing approach
  • Abqara Abida, BSc (University of Sindh), MSc (University of Sindh). MBS - GRADUATED S’15
    • Expression of peptidoglycan recognition proteins (PGLYRP-1 and PGLYRP-2) in male and female porcine tissue
  • Heindrich Snyman, BVSc (University of Pretoria). DVSc - GRADUATED F’13
    • Constitutive variation in hepatic expression of porcine innate immune genes associated with novel promoter polymorphisms
  • Ola Sawicka, BSc (Guelph). MBS - GRADUATED S’13
    • Discovery of single and interaction effects for novel innate immune single nucleotide polymorphisms in swine
  • Iga Stasiak BSc (Windsor), DVM (Guelph). DVSc - GRADUATED F’12
    • The role of hepcidin in regulation of iron balance in bats.
  • David Balogh, BSc.H (Guelph). MBS - GRADUATED S’12
    • Promoter region single nucleotide polymorphisms and variable expression of the peptidoglycan recognition protein 1 and 2 genes in pigs.

Research Interests



  • TOX*4100 Toxicological Pathology
  • VETM*4490 Systems Pathology
  • VETM*4620/4680/4940/4720 Health Management: Anatomic Pathology rotation


  • BIOM*6800 Gene Expression in Health and Disease 
  • PABI*6104 Mechanisms of Disease: Course Co-Coordinator
  • PABI*6080 Diagnostic Pathology I
  • PABI*6090 Diagnostic Pathology II
  • PABI*6091 Diagnostic Pathology III


Selected Publications


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