Centre for Public Health and Zoonoses Webinar Series – Dr. Zvonimir Poljak and Dr. Sheila Keay
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
This free virtual Centre for Public Health and Zoonoses webinar series is open to the public and covers topics related to public health, infectious diseases and infection control, and zoonotic diseases with a different speaker every month.
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 at 7:00 PM
Dr. Zvonimir Poljak and Dr. Sheila Keay
Influenza and animals: Tangoing for millennia
Dr. Zvonimir Poljak is an Associate Professor in the Department of Population Medicine. His research focuses on infectious diseases of production animals, with primary focus on swine health, viral diseases, emerging diseases and zoonoses.
Dr. Sheila Keay is Dr. Poljak’s PhD student investigating why it is so hard for veterinarians in the field to stay current. Her research focuses on knowledge translation and influenza vaccines in swine. Prior to this she worked in the swine industry in Canada and abroad.