
Karol Mathews

Karol Mathews Picture

Professor Emeritus/Emerita

DVM, DVSc, Diplomate ACVECC


Research Interests

Emergency and critical care medicine, all aspects of pain management

Selected Publications

  1. D Dyson, KA Mathews. Recommendations for intensive care management in small animals following anaesthesia. Veterinary Comp Orthop and Traumatol 1992; 5:66-70.
  2. J Prescott, KA Mathews, CL. Gyles, CM Miller. Canine streptococcal toxic shock syndrome in Ontario: An emerging disease? Can Vet J 1995; 36:486-487.
  3. KA Mathews. Special Report on: 1) the use of non-steroidal antiinflammatory analgesics in pain management in cats and dogs. 2) Assessment of pain. Can Vet J 1996; 37(9):539-545.
  4. KA Mathews. Therapeutics in Practice 1. Non-steroidal antiinflammatory analgesics to manage acute pain in cats and dogs. Comp Contin Educ Pract Vet 1996; 117-123.
  5. KA Mathews. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics for acute pain management in dogs and cats. Vet Comp Orthop and Traumatol 1997; 10:122-129.
  6. KA Mathews. The various types of parenteral fluids and their indications. Vet Clin North Am 1998; 28(3):483-513.
  7. SW Bateman, KA Mathews, A Abrams-Ogg. Disseminated intravascular coagulation in dogs: A review. J Vet Emerg & Crit Care 1998; 8(1):29-45.
  8. KA Mathews. Pain assessment and general approach to management. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract July 2000; 30(4):729-752.
  9. KA Mathews. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics: Indications and contraindications for pain management in dogs and cats. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 2000; 30(4):783-804.
  10. LA Lamont, WJ Tranquilli, KA Mathews. Adjunctive analgesic therapy. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 2000; 30(4):805-813.
  11. KA Mathews. Guest Editor. The management of pain. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract July 2000; 30(4).
  12. KA Mathews. Dealing with pain in the clinic. Veterinary Forum 2001; 18(11):41-47.
  13. KA Mathews, AG Binnington. Management of wounds using sugar. Compendium Cont Edu for Pract Vet 2002; 24(1):41-50.
  14. KA Mathews, AG Binnington. Management of wounds using honey. Compendium Cont Edu for Pract Vet 2002; 24(1):53-60.
  15. KA Mathews. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics: A review of current practice. J Vet Emerg & Crit Care 2002; 12(2):89-97.* Most frequently cited article in JVECC Jan 2002 to 2004.
  16. K Corley, KA Mathews, K Drobatz, FT Bain, D Hughes. Veterinary Critical Care. Critical Care Clinics 2003: March.

Publications (Case Reports)

  1. JS Rand, SJ Best, KA Mathews. Portosystemic vascular shunts in a family of American Cocker Spaniels. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1988; 24(3):265-272.
  2. K Matushek, DE Bjorling, KA Mathews. Generalized motor seizures after portosystemic shunt ligation in dogs: Five Cases (1981-1988). JAVMA 1990; 196:2014-2017.
  3. KA Mathews, S Ayres, C Tano, S Riley, H Sukhiani, C Adams. Cyclosporine treatment for perianal fistulas in dogs. CVJ 1997; 38(1):39-41.
  4. KA Mathews, M Barry. The use of 25% Human Serum Albumin: Outcome and efficacy in raising serum albumin and systemic blood pressure in 64 critically ill dogs and 2 cats. J Vet Emerg Crit Care 2005;15:110-118.
  5. KA Mathews, G. Monteith. Evaluation of adding diltiazem therapy to standard treatment of acute renal failure caused by leptospirosis:18 dogs (1998-2003). JVECC 2006;17(2):149-158

Publications related to research

  1. JB Derbyshire, KA Mathews. Rabies antibody titres in vaccinated dogs. Can Vet J 1984; 25:383-385.
  2. KA Mathews, AG Binnington. Percutaneous incisionless placement of a gastrostomy tube utilizing a gastroscope: Preliminary observations. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1986; 22(5): 601 610
  3. KA Mathews, N Gofton. Congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunt occlusion in the dog: Gross observations during surgical correction. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1988; 24(4):387-394.
  4. KA Mathews, T Doherty, D Dyson, B Wilcock. Renal failure in dogs associated with flunixin meglumine and methoxyflurane anesthesia. Can Vet J 1990; 31:766-771.
  5. KA Mathews, B Mallard, J Gallivan. Clinical and hematological evaluation of rabbit anti-dog thymocyte serum in dogs. Vet Surg 1993; 22(3):213-220.
  6. Karol A Mathews, Melanie J Brooks, Anne E Valliant. A prospective study of intravenous catheter contamination. J Vet Emergency Critical Care 1996; 6(1):33-43.
  7. KA Mathews, D Paley, R Foster, A Valliant, S Young. A comparison of ketorolac to flunixin, butorphanol and oxymorphone in controlling post-operative pain in dogs. Can Vet J 1996; 37(9):557-567.
  8. KA Mathews. Antimicrobial considerations in dogs receiving kidney transplants. Suppl Compend Contin Educ Pract 1996; 18(2):58.
  9. SW Bateman, KA Mathews. Comparison of axillary and heating block methods of activated clotting time (ACT) in dogs. JVECC 1999; 9:79-82. DVSc Student Project.
  10. SW Bateman, KA Mathews, ACG Abrams-OGG, JH Lumsden, IB Johnstone. Evaluation of the effect of storage at -70°C for six months on hemostatic function testing in dogs. CVR 1999; 63:216-220. DVSc Student Project.
  11. SW Bateman, KA Mathews, ACG Abrams-Ogg, JH Lumsden, IB Johnstone, TK Hillers. Evaluation of point-of-care tests for diagnosis of disseminated intravascular coagulation in dogs admitted to an intensive care unit. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1999; 215:805-810.
  12. SW Bateman, KA Mathews, ACG Abrams-Ogg, JH Lumsden, IB Johnstone, TK Hillers, RA Foster. Diagnosis of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Part II: Evaluation of point of care tests for the diagnosis of DIC in dogs. JAVMA 1999.
  13. SW Bateman, KA Mathews, ACG Abrams-Ogg, JH Lumsden, IB Johnstone, TK Hillers, RA Foster. Diagnosis of disseminated intravascular coagulation. Part 1: Hemostatic dysfunction in dogs admitted to an intensive care unit. JAVMA 1999.
  14. Machado CG, Dyson DH, Mathews KA. Evaluation of induction by use of a combination of oxymorphone and diazepam or hydromorphone and diazepam and maintenance of anesthesia by use of isoflurane in dogs with experimentally induced hypovolemia. Am J Vet Res. 2005 Jul; 66(7):1227-37

Books & chapters

  1. KA Mathews. Renal and urinary tract emergencies. In: The British Small Animal Veterinary Association Manual of Canine and Feline Emergency and Critical Care. King, ed., pp. 87-99, 1999.
  2. KA Mathews. Gastric dilation/volvulus in the dog. Perioperative management. In: Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XIII. Bonagura, ed., pp. 164-169. Saunders, Philadelphia, 1999.
  3. KA Mathews. Management of pain in cats. In: Animal Pain. LJ Hellebrekers, ed., pp. 131-144, van der Wees, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000.
  4. KA Mathews. Chp 12.Managing pain in cats. In: Dolor evaluacion y tratamiento en pequenos animales. Otero PE ed. Buenes-Aries. Intermedica 2004;149-160
  5. Section Editor, Renal Emergencies. In Kirby R, Muir WW III (eds.) The Small Animal Emergency Manual: The First 24 Hours. Philadelphia, WB Saunders
  6. KA Mathews. PAIN: Origin and effect ( Dor: Origem e Efeito) In:Fundamentals of Veterinary Critical Care. Robelo R ed. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. LF Editora. 2005: 519-527
  7. KA Mathews. Assessing pain in cats and dogs (Abordagem da Dor em Caes e Gatos). In:Fundamentals of Veterinary Critical Care. Robelo R ed. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. LF Editora. 2005:507-517
  8. KA Mathews Editor. Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care Manual 2nd edition 2005. Lifelearn Inc. Guelph, Ontario Canada. Chapters: Single author 40 chapters, shared-primary author of 4, secondary author 7 chapters.
  9. KA Mathews. Monitoring fluid therapy and Complications of Fluid therapy. In. Fluid, electrolyte, and Acid-base disorders in small anmal practice 3rd ed. DiBartola SP, editor. Elsevier Saunders. St. Louis, Missouri.2005. 377-391
  10. KA Mathews. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics. In Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine 6th ed. Ettinger SJ, Feldman EC. eds. Elsevier Saunders St. Louis, Missouri. 2005;518-521
  11. L Lamont, KA Mathews. Chapter 10 Opioid and Nonsteroidal anti- nflammatory analgesics. In. Textbook Lumb & Jones' Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia, 4th ed. Tranquilli, Thurmon, and Grimm eds. Blackwell Publishing, Iowa. 2007:241-271.
  12. KA Mathews. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics. In Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine 6th ed. Ettinger SJ, Feldman EC. eds. Elsevier Saunders St. Louis, Missouri. 2010
  13. KA Mathews. Monitoring fluid therapy and Complications of Fluid therapy. In. Fluid, electrolyte, and Acid-base disorders in small anmal practice 3rd ed. DiBartola SP, editor. Elsevier Saunders. St. Louis, Missouri.2011 .
  14. KA Mathews , S Boston . Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatoy analgesics in Textbook of small Animal Gastroenterology 2012

Electronic Teaching Material

  1. KA Mathews. Relieving pain. An interactive CD-ROM on pain assessment and management. Centre for Study of Animal Welfare/Jonkar Computer Systems. 1997. ISBN 0-88955-481-1.
  2. KA Mathews PAIN HURTS: How to Understand, Recognize, Treat, Stop CD-ROM 2003 ISBN0-9732655-0-7. 12 hour tutorial. Jonkar Computer Systems


  • Guest Editor Veterinary Clinics of North America, Small Animal Practice, on Management of Pain, November 2008
  • Guest Co-editor of Journal Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care. December 2005 edition on Pain Management.
  • Guest Editor of Veterinary Clinics of North America, Small Animal Practice, on Management of Pain, July 2000.

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