
Albert Torrent Crosa

Albert Torrent head shot

Assistant Professor
 Office: CS 2144



Albert Torrent is a veterinarian born in Catalonia, a beautiful area in the northeast of Spain. Horse fan and rider since he was a child. He graduated veterinary school in 2005. Since then, he did several internships and working experiences in Equine Veterinary Medicine around Europe (Spain, Belgium, France) and North America (Canada). He had the privilege to perform a Large Animal Surgery Residency (equine emphasis) at the University of California-Davis. After this he worked for 3 years as an equine surgeon at the CHUV of the University of Montreal. He likes sports (jogging, football, tennis) and loves anything related with the sea (diving, kitesurfing, etc). 

Selected Publications

  • Torrent Crosa A and Desjardins MC. “Minimally invasive, compartmentalized, modified open castration technique with primary closure in equids”.  JAVMA 2018; 253: 897-906.
  • Torrent Crosa A, Kilcoyne I, Johnson A, Affolter VK, Berryhill E, Aleman M. “An atypical presentation of multi-systemic B-cell lymphoma in a horse”. CVJ 2019; 60 (3):300-304.
  • Torrent Crosa A, Spriet M, Espinosa P, Vaughan B, Galuppo LD. "Ultrasound-guided injection of the cranial tibial artery for stem cell administration in horses" EVJ 2019; 0:1-7.
  • Torrent Crosa A, Katzman SA, Kelleher ME, Nieto JE, Kilcoyne I, Dechant JE. “Incidence of incisional complications after exploratory celiotomy in equids affected with enterolithiasis: 90 cases (2008-2014)”. CVJ 2020; 61(10):1085-1091.
  • Bonilla AG, Causeret L, Torrent Crosa A. "Pharmacokinetics of ceftiofur in the metacarpophalangeal joint after standing intravenous regional limb perfusion in horses”. CVJ 2021;62(9):975-981.