Nuria Daviu
Assistant Professor
BA, MSc, PhD (Barcelona)
Office: Biomed 2608 OVC
519-824-4120 Ext. 54239
Lab: Biomed 2160 OVC
Research Interests
- Neurobiology of stress
- Animal models of trauma and stress-related disorders
- Investigation of how the brain processes stress and resilience
- Innate stress coping mechanisms and their impact on mental health
My lab explores natural processes during stress exposure, such as the perception of control, which inherently provides resilience to stress. The research focuses on determining, at circuit, functional and behavioral levels, the therapeutic impact of perceived control during a stressful event. This knowledge will be leveraged to alleviate the negative consequences of trauma.
The methods employed in my lab include behavioral approaches, in vivo calcium recordings in freely moving animals, and optogenetic/chemogenetic manipulations. When combined with computational approaches, these methods contribute to the long-term goal of identifying new behavior-based therapeutic targets for mood and stress-related disorders.
Graduate Students
- Grace Cordova - MBS
- Mackenzie Hooper - MBS
- Samiha Kazi - MBS
- Hasseb Khan - MBS
- Gabrielle Roland - MBS
- Eden Rechtoris-McNab - MBS