
Tami A. Martino

Tami A. Martino


Distinguished Chair in Molecular Cardiovascular Research; Career Investigator, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada; Director, Centre for Cardiovascular Investigations | PhD Toronto
 Office: Biomed 1646B

 Lab: Biomed 1667
 519-824-4120 Ext. 54982


Research Interests

The focus of our research is new treatments for heart disease. We apply circadian (diurnal) physiological and pharmacological approaches to discover new treatments for heart attacks (myocardial infarction); high blood pressure (hypertension) and cardiac hypertrophy; and heart failure. We have state-of-the-art cardiovascular facilities and use leading edge transgenic, physiologic, molecular and preclinical approaches to benefit the treatment of heart disease.



Centre for Cardiovascular Investigations:

Selected Publications

  • Mistry P*, Reitz CJ,* Khatua TN*, Rasouli, M*, Oliphant K, Allen-Vercoe E, Martino T.A. (2020) Circadian Influence on the Microbiome Improves Heart Failure Outcomes. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, In Press.
  • Martino T.A., Harrington, M.A. (2020) A Time for Circadian Medicine.  J. Biol. Rhythms, In Press.
  • Sobuj M, Kane MS, Latimer MN, Reitz C*, Sonkar R, Benavides GA, Smith SR, Frank SJ, Martino T.A.  Zhang J, Darley-Usmar VM, Young ME. (2020) Differential Effects of REV-ERBα/β Agonism on Cardiac Gene Expression, Metabolism, and Contractile Function in a Mouse Model of Circadian Disruption. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol Jun 1;318(6):H1487-H1508. 
  • Aziz I*, MacMahon A*, Rabinovich-Nikitin I*, Kirshenbaum, L., Martino T.A. (2020) Circadian Influence on Inflammatory Response During Cardiovascular Disease. Invited Review on Circadian Rhythms in the Cardiovascular System. July 15 Current Opinion in Pharmacology, In Press.
  • Reitz C*, Alibhai FJ,* de Lima Seolin BG Nemec-Bakk A, Khaper N, Martino T.A. (2020) Circadian Mutant Mice with Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome are Resilient to Cardiovascular Disease. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, In Press.
  • Reitz C*, Alibhai FJ,* Khatua TN*, Burris TP, Martino T.A. (2019) SR9009 administered for one day after myocardial ischemia-reperfusion prevents heart failure in mice by targeting the cardiac inflammasome. Nature Communications - Biology, Oct 3;2:353. PMID 31602405
    • Research Highlights – Nature Reviews Cardiology. (on our manuscript, above).  Circadian Regulators as a therapeutic target in MI. Fernandez-Ruiz. 2020 Jan;17(1):6, PMID 31641247
    • Metrics - this article is in the 98th percentile of the 269,198 tracked articles of a similar age in all journals and the 1st percentile (ranked 1st) of the 1 tracked articles of a similar age in Nature Communications Biology. Accessed July 20, 2020,
  • Cermakian N, Lakin-Thomas P, Martino T.A. (2019) Turn back the clock on Daylight Savings: Why Standard Time all year round is the healthy choice. Globe and Mail, Oct 31 2019.
  • Rabinovich-Nikitin, I, Lieberman B, Martino T.A., Kirshenbaum, LA. (2019) Circadian Regulated Cell Death in Cardiovascular Diseases. Circulation, 139:965-980, PMID 30742538.
  • Duong A,* Reitz C,*, Louth E, Creighton S, Rasouli M,* Zwaiman A,* Kroetsch, Bolz SS, Winters BD, Bailey CDC, Martino T.A. (2019) The Clock Mechanism Influences Neurobiology and Adaptations to Heart Failure in Clock19 Mice with Implications for Circadian Medicine. Scientific Reports, 9:4994, PMID:30899044.
  • Pyle WG, Martino T.A. (2018) Circadian Rhythms Influence Cardiovascular Diseases Differently in Males and Females: Role of Sex and Gender. Current Opinion in Physiology, 5:30-37. Link to manuscript
  • Alibhai, F,* Reitz C,* Peppler WT, Basu P,* Sheppard P, Choleris E, Bakovic M, Martino T.A. (2018) Female Clock Mice are Protected from the Development of Age-Dependent Cardiomyopathy. Cardiovascular Research 114, 259-271, PMID:28927226
  • Editorial Focus: Our manuscript (above) is the subject of a feature Editorial in Cardiovascular Research (2018). New dimensions in circadian clock function: the role of biological sex. Crenko S, Ernens I, Van Laake LW. Cardiovascular Research 114, 203-204, PMID 29237084.
  • Khaper N, Bailey C, Reitz C,* Answani Z,* Waines R,* Martino T.A. (2018) Implications of Disturbances in Circadian Rhythms for Cardiovascular Health. Free Radical Biology. May 1;119:85-92., PMID: 29146117.
  • 41a – Editorial Feature: Our manuscript (above) was highlighted in “Introduction to special issue: Circadian regulation of metabolism, redox signaling and function in health and disease” Free Radical Biology. May 1 2018;119:1-2/ PMID: 29604398.
  • Kroetsch JT,* Alibhai FJ,* Lidington D, Reitz CJ,* Zhang H, Heximer S, Martino TA, Bolz SS. Disrupting a Circadian Clock Mechanism that Regulates Myogenic Reactivity Mitigates Cardiac Injury in Heart Failure. (2018). Atherosclerosis 32:108-109.  LINK
  • Hughes ME et al. Martino TA, et al, (2017). Guidelines for genome-scale analysis of biological rhythms. Journal of Biological Rhythms. 32(5):380-393, PMID: 29098954.
  • Alibhai FJ,* LaMarre J, Reitz CJ,* Tsimakouridze E,* Kroetsch J,* Bolz SS, Shulman A,* Steinberg S,* Burris TP, Oudit GY, Martino TA. (2017). Disrupting the Key Circadian Regulator CLOCK leads to Age-Dependent Cardiovascular Disease. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. 2017;105:24-37.
  • Martino TA, Young ME. (2017). Circadian Medicine. Science. eLetter (2017);
  • Mistry P*, Duong A,* Kirshenbaum L, Martino TA. (2017). The Heart and The Clock(s): Chronobiology and Cardiovascular Diseases. Heart Failure Clinics. In Press
  • Bennardo M,* Alibhai F,* Tsimakouridze E,* Chinnappareddy N,* Podobed P,* Reitz C,* Pyle WG, Simpson J, Martino TA. (2016). Day-Night Dependence of Gene Expression and Inflammatory Responses in the Remodeling Murine Heart post-Myocardial Infarction. Am. J. Physiol. 2016;311(6):1243-1254
  • Alibhai F,* Tsimakouridze E,* Reitz C,* Pyle WG, Martino TA. (2016)  The Cardiac Clock. In Role of the Circadian Clock in Health and Disease, Michelle Gumz (Ed). Springer Science, Palo Alto, CA.
  • Reitz CJ*, Martino TA. (2015). Disruption of Circadian Rhythms and Sleep on Critical Illness and the Impact on Cardiovascular Events. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 2015;21(24):3505-11
  • Martino TA, Young ME. (2015) Influence of the Cardiomyocyte Circadian Clock on Cardiac Physiology and Pathophysiology. J Biol Rhythms. 2015;30(3):183-205
  • Tsimakouridze EV, Alibhai FJ, Martino TA. (2015). Therapeutic applications of circadian rhythms for the cardiovascular system. Front. Pharmacol. 2015;6:77.
  • Alibhai F, Tsimakourdize EV, Reitz C, Pyle G, Martino TA. (2015). Consequences of Circadian and Sleep Disturbances for the Cardiovascular System. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 2015;31(7):860-72
  • Basu P, Alibhai FJ, Tsimakouridze EV, Singh RK, Paglialunga S, Holloway GP, Martino TA, Backovic M. (2015). Male-Specific Cardiac Dysfunction in CTP:Phosphoethanolamine Cytidylytransferase (Pcyt2)-Deficient Mice. Mol Cell Biol 2015;35:2641-57.  
  • Podobed PS, Alibhai FJ, Chow CW, Martino TA. (2014). Circadian regulation of myocardial sarcomeric Titin-cap (Tcap, telethonin): identification of cardiac clock-controlled genes using open access bioinformatics data. PLoS One. 2014 Aug 14;9(8):e104907.
  • Podobed P, Pyle WG, Ackloo S, Alibhai FJ, Tsimakouridze EV, Ratcliffe WF, Mackay A, Simpson JA, Wright DC, Kirby G, Young ME, Martino TA. (2014). The Day/Night Proteome in the Murine Heart. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2014 Jul 15;307(2):R121-37.
  • Alibhai FJ, Tsimakouridze EV, Chinnappareddy N, Wright DC, Billia F, O'Sullivan L, Pyle WG, Sole MJ, Martino TA. (2014). Short Term Disruption of Diurnal Rhythms Following Murine Myocardial Infarction Adversely Affects Long Term Myocardial Structure and Function. CirculationResearch. 2014 May 23;114(11):1713-22.
  • Young ME, Brewer RA, Peliciari-Garcia RA, Collins HE, He L, Birky TL, Peden BW, Thompson EG, Ammons BJ, Bray MS, Chatham JC, Wende AR, Yang Q, Chow CW, Martino TA, Gamble KL. (2014) Cardiomyocyte-specific BMAL1 plays critical roles in metabolism, signaling, and maintenance of contractile function of the heart.  J Biol Rhythms. Aug;29(4):257-76.
  • Tsimakouridze EV, Straume M, Podobed PS, Chin H, Lamarre J, Johnson R, Antenos M, Kirby GM, Mackay A, Huether P, Simpson JA, Sole M, Gadal G, Martino TA. (2012). Chronomics of pressure overload-induced cardiac hypertrophy in mice reveals altered day/night gene expression and biomarkers of heart disease. Chronobiology International 29: pp. 810-821.
  • Podobed PS, Kirby GM, Martino TA. (2011). Circadian Proteomics and Its Unique Advantage for Discovery of Biomarkers of Heart Disease.  IN TK Mann, RJ Flores (EDS) Proteomics, Book 1, Intech ISBN 9789533078328.
  • Martino TA, Tata N, Simpson J, Vanderlaan R, Dawood F, Kabir MG, Khaper N, Cifelli C, Podobed P, Liu PP, Husain M, Heximer S, Backx PH, Sole MJ.  The Primary Benefits of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibition on Cardiac Remodeling Occur During Sleep Time in Murine Pressure Overload Hypertrophy.  Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2011;57:2020-8.
  • Jugdutt BI.  Optimizing pharmacotherapy for limiting cardiovascular remodeling.  A Matter of Timing Therapy to Match Biology.  Editorial Commentary on Martino TA et al., The Primary Benefits of ACE Inhibition (see above).  J Am Coll Cardiol., 2011;57:2029-30.
  • MJ Sole and Martino TA  (2010). Diurnal Molecular Rhythms: Unrecognized Critical Determinants of Cardiovascular Health and Disease. In T.D. Bradley and J.S. Floras (Eds.) Sleep Apnea: Implications in Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease. Chapter 1. Pages 1-14.
  • Martino TA, Sole MJ.  Molecular Time: An Often Overlooked Dimension to Cardiovascular Disease.  Circulation Research, 2009;105:1047-61.
  • Sole MJ, Martino TA.  Diurnal Physiology: Core Principles with Application to the Pathogenesis, Prevention and Treatment of Myocardial Hypertrophy and Failure.  Journal of Applied Physiology, 2009;107:1318-27
  • Chalmers JA, Lin SYJ, Martino TA, Arab S, Liu Peter, Husain M, Sole MJ, Belsham DD.  Diurnal Profiling of NeuroEndocrine Genes in Murine Heart and Shift in Proopriomelanocortin Gene Expression with Pressure-Overload Cardiac Hypertrophy.  Journal of Molecular Endocrinology 2008; 41(3): 117-124.
  • Martino TA, Oudit GY, Herzenberg AM, Tata N, Koletar MM, Kabir GM, Belsham DD, Backx PH, Ralph MR, Sole MJ.  Circadian Rhythm Disorganization Produces Profound Cardiovascular and Renal Disease in Hamsters.   American Journal of Physiology– Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology2008; 294(5): 1675-1683.
  • Editorial Focus by Fred W. Turek on Martino TA et. al. “Circadian Rhythm Disorganization Produces Profound Cardiovascular and Renal Disease in Hamsters” Am. J. Physiol. Regul. Integr. Comp. Physiol2008; 294(5): 1672-1674.
  • Martino TA, Tata N, Bjarnason GA, Straume M, Sole MJ. Diurnal Protein Expression in Blood Revealed by High Throughput Mass Spectrometry Proteomics, and Implications for Translational Medicine and Body-Time-Of-Day (BTOD).  American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 2007; 293(3): 1430-1437.
  • Martino TA, Tata N, Belsham DD, Straume M, Lee, P, Chalmers J, Pribiag H, Khaper N, Liu PP, Dawood F, Backx PH, Ralph MR, Sole MJ. Disturbed Diurnal Rhythm Alters Gene Expression and Exacerbates Cardiovascular Disease with Rescue by Resynchronization.  Hypertension 2007; 49(5): 1104-1113.
  • Martino T, Arab S, Straume M, Belsham DD, Tata N, Cai F, Liu P, Trivieri M, Ralph M, Sole MJ. Day/night rhythms in gene expression of the normal murine heart.  Journal of Molecular Medicine 2004; 86: 256-264.
  • Ayach B, Fuse K, Martino T, Liu P. Dissecting mechanisms of innate and acquired immunity in myocarditis. Current Opinion in Cardiology 2003; 18: 175-181.
  • Opavsky MA, Martino T, Rabinovitch M, Richardson C, Petric M, Trinidad C, Penninger J, Liu P. The extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling cascade is a key determinant of susceptibility to coxsackievirus B3 infection and myocarditis in mice. Journal of Clinical Investigation 2002; 109: 1561-1569.
  • Martino TA, Petric M, Weingartl H, Bergelson JM, Opavsky MA, Richardson CD, Modlin JF, Finberg RW, Kain KC, Willis N, Gauntt CJ, Liu  PP. The coxsackievirus-adenovirus receptor (CAR) is used by reference strains and clinical isolates representing all six serotypes of coxsackievirus group B and by swine vesicular disease virus.  Virology 2000; 271: 99-108.
  • Liu P, Aitken K, Kong YY, Opavsky MA, Martino T, Dawood F, Wen WH, Kozieradzki I, Bachmaier K, Straus D, Mak TW, Penninger JM. The tyrosine kinase p56lck is essential in coxsackievirus B3-mediated heart disease.  Nature Medicine 2000; 6: 429-434.

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