In my last post, I discussed how I was currently building an evaluation matrix for the CCO SEER*Stat Package – Release 10. This matrix has now been finalized and I have begun developing a questionnaire for a survey that will be sent out to external users of the package in the coming weeks. This has definitely been a fascinating process, as it involves conducting stakeholder consultations to ensure the questionnaire satisfies the information needs of each audience. In addition to the survey, I will also assist in reviewing data from Google Analytics as well as reviewing the CCO SEER*Stat Package – Release 10 log file, both which will act as my other sources of data for this evaluation. I am looking forward to seeing what the results of this evaluation will tell, and if the 3 sources of data will show parallel results with each other. This evaluation will ultimately assess whether or not the CCO SEER*Stat Package – Release 10 is meeting the needs of external users and identify potential areas of improvement for future releases.
In addition to the CCO SEER*Stat Package – Release 10 evaluation, I have also been involved in several other surveillance projects, mainly relating to the Ontario Cancer Statistics 2018 report. This has consisted of preparing the document for review by CCO Clinical Leads, assisting with the development of visualizations for the report, and data verification (which will begin in the next few weeks). I was unaware of the scope of work that needs to be completed before a report of this magnitude is actually ready for publication. Participating in this process has definitely been an enlightening and unique experience for me.
It is hard to believe that my practicum is already half way done. I have learned a lot about knowledge translation, evaluation, and dissemination planning, as well as cancer surveillance simply by working and interacting with members of the Surveillance team. I have had a great experience so far working with this team, and I am looking forward to the rest of my time here at Cancer Care Ontario.